A&B Charismatic Directory

This page contains information on communities, prayer groups, devotions and events that could help you to grow your life in the Holy Spirit. Most, but not all groups and events, are in A&B Diocese. The CDSC team recommends these activities but most are not operated by the CDSC team and therefore we can’t help or support your involvement beyond suggesting that you might like to try them for yourself. You may also feel called to get more involved and to offer your services to these events or groups, if so please contact the groups directly.


The Lighthouse event is a Saturday afternoon of renewal for A&B Diocese where the faithful can gather for worship, inspired teaching, Mass, the sacrament of reconciliation and prayer ministry for healing or any other intention.


The next Lighthouse event is scheduled for Saturday 12th October 2024 in St Joseph’s church Epsom Surrey. More information will be shared soon through the CDSC website and A&B Diocesan eBulletin communications.

Lighthouse Charismatic Event

A&B Diocese and Formation Team

Our Diocese website and A&B Weekly Newsletters are an excellent resource from which you can understand all that is available to the Catholic faithful across our Diocese and to learn more about The Word Who is Life Pastoral Plan.

The Diocesan website is here:  https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/. You can sign up to receive the weekly newsletter at the bottom of the Diocesan website homepage.

The Diocesan formation team covers many facets of pastoral work spanning across youth, liturgy, formation, spirituality, marriage, family life, inclusion and social action. They offer training and advice in these and many other areas of personal faith and parish work, working with clergy, lay people, chaplains, teachers, catechists and religious. Some current work highlights include providing access to training on mental health awareness, the Invited series of courses (https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/invited), working with baptism and marriage catechists, offering a workshop for those involved in Liturgy of the Word for Children, connecting people working with the RCIA programme, setting up bereavement support groups in parishes, enabling the building of parish family groups, taking a group from across the Diocese to World Youth Day 2023, and planning for the Pastoral Plan.

Contact Deacon Jon Harman and Lizzie Wakeling formation@abdiocese.org.uk

CHARIS England and Wales

CHARIS is the international Service Of Communion called for by Pope Francis to promote and encourage the grace of baptism in the Spirit in the Catholic Church. Details on CHARIS international can be found here: https://www.charis.international/en/


CHARIS England & Wales is the regional arm of this international movement. Their website contains much useful content and many links to national and regional Charismatic events. https://www.charisuk.com/

CDSC Supporting the work of CHARIS in A&B

Cor Et Lumen Christi

Cor et Lumen Christi is a Catholic, charismatic and contemplative community with a Eucharistic heart marrying a deep life of prayer with an active Mission embracing the Charismatic Gifts. They are based in Chertsey, Surrey and they host many courses to grow understanding and use of the charisms along with many major events. The next event is a free Miracle Healing service 15th June with Damian Stayne, Euston Road in London. Details here: http://www.coretlumenchristi.org/

Chemin Neuf

The main missions of the Community in the UK are Cana and running retreats in our houses. They have a community based in Storrington and they have started to organise retreats and other events online. https://www.chemin-neuf.org.uk


One such event is the Quiet Days for those who want to step back from their daily life and to enjoy a one day guided retreat. This short retreat includes spiritual input, personal prayer and communal prayer. Storrington Priory September 28th 10am – 4pm.


theASCENT is a three-year discipleship process for Catholic young people aged 14-19 who want to embrace their faith in Jesus Christ at a whole new level and learn how to share it with others. The Ascent currently runs in three locations around the UK and is led by a team of volunteers who give over 15,000 hours of their time each year to support the young people in their discipleship journeys.


OUR VISION is to see a movement of Spirit filled disciples, who are united in following Jesus minute by minute, and living out their God-given call and OUR PURPOSE Is to raise up disciples in the heart of the Church.


OUR MISSION Is to provide a discipleship journey featuring retreats, small groups and mentoring, which empowers young Catholics to pray, step into their God-given identity and impact society with the Gospel and OUR VALUES of ‘learn, pray and go’ show the flavour and culture of our leadership.



Celebrate Trust

CELEBRATE Trust is a National Catholic ministry that inspires and equips people of all ages to live an authentic Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit, in support of the family, to form the next generation and encourage local community. We are represented on the Marriage and Family Life committee of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales.


Each year our youth ministry, Joel’s Bar, runs an Easter week. We run online Parenting for Faith courses which include testimonies from our wonderful Catholic families.


CELEBRATE takes a large group to Big Church Festival, provides a big marquee where we gather to have children’s crafts, family prayer, Teens take over, Joel’s Bar worship, prayer ministry, Holy Mass, a big communal breakfast and space to socialise – it is an event within an event! 


We provide CELEBRATE@home online resources like our family activity packs based on the liturgical year and other key feasts and seasons to encourage whole family faith formation. We were asked to write Prayer Stations for the tenth World Meeting of Families  – these can be used to run family parish retreats at any time of the year.


Details here: https://www.celebratetrust.org/

Mothers Prayers

There are Mothers’ Prayers Prayer groups which are ecumenical all over the area. Janet Desmond is the contact for West and East Sussex for anyone who is interested in joining a group. The meetings are very Spirit filled and help women who have never experienced a prayer group before to come to love being part of the group. The website is mothersprayers.org.uk and it has been going since 1995.
Contact Janet Desmond for A&B groups. Email: janetdesmond14@gmail.com

Big Church Festival

Location: Wiston House, Wilton Park, Steyning BN44 3DZ, UK


Bishop Richard Moth will celebrate Mass at this year’s Big Church Festival at Wiston Park. If you haven’t got your festival tickets yet, there is still time – join with over 30,000 people from across the UK and beyond to worship together in the jaw-dropping surroundings of the Wiston Estate, in the company of some of the best Christian Worship artists in the world.  


Youth adviser, Lizzie, said: “This year’s BIG Church Festival promises to be better than ever before, offering the perfect day-trip or weekend experience to people and families of all ages across our community of faith. Sign up ASAP and enjoy worship anthems from the mainstage, family ‘fields of fun’, cream teas and fantastic choirs surrounded by the beautiful gardens of Wiston House. This is the Church: all tribes and all ages, campsites becoming communities and many memories in the making.” Navigate here to book your place and save 52% if booked before the end of the day 23rd May.


"ADoRe" Alton Day of Renewal

Alton Day of Renewal

Strictly speaking, ADoRE comes under Portsmouth Diocese, but is led by an A&B member Alastair Emblem and is attended by many A&B residents. It is now mainly online and has nationwide attendance.

Alton Day of Renewal (also known as ADoRE) started in 1975 and is now one of the longest continually running charismatic meetings in the country. Led by Alastair since 2018. Since COVID has been almost entirely on Zoom with attendance of 80-120 from all over the country and abroad. The ADoRE event is a 3-hour morning of renewal consisting of Mass, Adoration, Prophetic sharing, praise and worship, and an inspiring talk from leading charismatic speakers like Charles Whitehead, Michelle Moran, Jenny Baker, Maria Heath and Bishop David Oakley.  https://www.altonrenewal.com/

Kaleo Worship and Praise

Kaleo is a praise and worship group for people between the ages of 17-35. It’s a safe place, where young people can grow in faith, learn about God, speak about their joys and challenges, ask questions, and spend time with like minded people and just have fun-singing, playing music and growing in a relaxed atmosphere. Every week is different. And everyone is welcome.


Our meetings take place every Thursday at 7pm, at St Mary’s Church in Brighton.

Contact: https://www.facebook.com/kaleo.worshipgroup/ or kaleogroup@outlook.com

Unbound Prayer Ministry

‘As children of a loving God, we were created to live in relationship with Him. Sin broke this relationship and separated us from God. Sin also opens the door for lies and bondage to enter our life, causing problems like fear, anxiety, hopelessness and shame.


The Good News is that Jesus brought salvation and liberation by dying for our sins and setting us free from this bondage. But even after accepting this gift of salvation, we don’t always fully experience freedom, we continue to feel anxious, afraid, guilty, or hopeless’.   


Unbound prayer was ‘pioneered’ by Neil Lozano, a catholic with many years’ experience in prayer ministry. Described as a ‘non-confrontational’ model of deliverance prayer, it does not directly confront demonic spirits that may be acting upon a person but rather focuses on experiences within a person’s life which may be the source of their struggles. It is in essence about evangelisation through the healing power of the Gospel, acting directly upon the life of a person who is suffering.


‘Unbound helps us respond to the good news of the gospel and apply truth to our lives using Five Keys: 1) Repentance and Faith 2) Forgiveness 3) Renunciation 4) Authority and 5) The Father’s Blessing’.


Reference:  Unbound – A practical Guide to Deliverance by Neil Lozano (published by ‘Chosen’) Website: www.heartofthefather.com

The Faith Companion

The Faith Companion is a bi-monthly publication for those seeking nourishment for their Faith. This isn’t an academic journal, but accessible Faith sharing from some more learned but more from those whose Faith has grown through the experience of God touching their lives. In fact it is the voice of God in people’s lives. Through The Faith Companion the riches of the Catholic Tradition are opened making manifest God’s graces.


Subscriptions are paid for print and digital but digital donation and free subscriptions are available too. As a Community Interest Company The Faith Companion exists to serve the Church so legally has to pay two thirds of any profits back to the Church which we aim to use for education and training for the Laity.


To find out more go to www.thefaithcompanion.co.uk or call 01403 754808.

Littleway Healing Ministries 

Littleway Healing Ministries have a cell group in Guildford. They are a welcoming community. Their aim is mainly evangelisation. Through the healing of memories prayer we are able to lead people to freedom so that they can witness to Jesus being alive. We also want to bring peace, joy and love, wherever we go. Contact: info@littlewayhealingministries.com

First Saturday Devotion

During her apparition at Fatima in July 1917, Our Lady said to Lucia, “I shall come to ask…that on the First Saturday of every month, Communions of reparation be made in atonement for the sins of the world.”. A wonderful way to introduce a monthly routine of prayer, devotion and confession and it is offered in many communities across the Diocese.

Our Lady Queen of Peace in Shoreham has a monthly first Saturday devotion with Fr Graham Ricketts that is highly recommended. https://www.olqp.net/

Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference

Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference annual residential conference, 12th-16th August 2024. Bishop David Oakley, Bishop of the Diocese of Northampton, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s conference which has as its theme Be Ready, with Zeal for the wedding of the lamb has come (Revelation 19:7).

Supporting Bishop David will be a team of speakers including Daniella Stephens, a catholic evangelist passionately committed to preaching the Good news of Christ. Canon Michael Mitton, Anglican priest from the Mission Department of the Derby Diocese; and Mark Mclean, Catholic evangelist with a particular focus on Catholic Prophecy and Marian apparitions. The programme will include times for praise and worship, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the daily celebration of Holy Mass, workshops, and opportunities for fellowship. Radio Maria will also be broadcasting from the Conference.

The Conference takes place at the Royal Court Hotel, Tamworth Road, Kersley, Coventry CV7 8JG. Places and accommodation or day tickets can be reserved online at https://www.bccrc.org.uk/

Sion Catholic Community

Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism is the community founded by Michelle Moran and is a Spirit-led community. We are called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and equip others for the task of evangelisation. Guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be a prophetic sign of hope through our work, words and witness of life.


We are a community of disciples on mission, laity and clergy working together to make the Good News of Jesus Christ known. For more than 30 years we have been running parish missions and school missions across the UK. Alongside our school ministry, we also run programmes to enable young people and families to grow in faith. At our residential training centre SENT in Brentwood Essex, we run a variety of courses including the popular Beloved weekends for women.


New Dawn Walsingham

It’s all about renewal. Join with hundreds of believers for five days of prayer, worship, community and inspiration. Be a part of the renewal of the faith here in England at the National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady in Norfolk. New Dawn believes that renewal of the Catholic faith in these lands begins with worship of the Trinity, through devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham. Their annual pilgrimage unites people to share in the beauty of the Catholic faith through prayer and fellowship, growing through formation and accompaniment. We want to see a new dawn in the Church in our country, through thousands of the faithful journeying to Walsingham. 


This year the event is between 5th – 9th August. Highly recommended, excellent teaching and a wonderful location with a rich history of Catholic pilgrimage dating back to 1061 AD.


Details here: https://www.newdawn.org.uk/