A Charismatic Prayer Group is a community of support, encouragement and prayer that allows those who participate to grow in faith and to support their church and community. A Charismatic prayer group will have sung worship, scripture, prayer and praise and will use and discern the Charisms (speaking in tongues, words of knowledge, prophecy, prayers for healing) within the heart of the local Catholic church community.
2024 A Year of Prayer
In preparation for the “Pilgrims of Hope” Jubilee in 2025 Pope Francis has asked for 2024 to be a year of prayer. He said, “I would greatly desire that we devote 2024, the year preceding the Jubilee event, to a great ‘symphony’ of prayer. Prayer, above all else, to renew our desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and to adore him. Prayer, moreover, to thank God for the many gifts of his love for us and to praise his work in creation, which summons everyone to respect it and to take concrete and responsible steps to protect it”.
The prayer groups listed below will help you to rise to the “Symphony of Prayer” that Pope Francis has asked that we reach.

St Paul’s Parish, Haywards Heath
Friday 8pm. Contact: Gerry Gallagher ggallacher01@gmail.com
Broadfield Prayer Group, Broadfield Church, Crawley
Weekly on Thursday. Contact: Sharonne Ono shazono@outlook.com
Farnham “Life in the Spirit” Group, Parish of St Joan of Arc in Farnham, Surrey
Wednesdays 8.00-9.00pm Contact: Alaistair Emblem alastairemblem@yahoo.co.uk
Waters of Life Prayer Group, Parish of the Nativity of the Lord, Redhill
Meet monthly contact Margaret McGettrick mmcgettrick@googlemail.com
Kaleo Praise and Worship, St Mary’s Church, 5 Surrenden Road, Brighton and Hove, BN1 6PA
Thursdays 7pm, kaleogroup@outlook.com
The Wild Goose Prayer Group, Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Bexhill-on-Sea
Contact Ghislaine Cornfield: g_pilard@hotmail.com
Richard Grey, Home prayer group in Elstead, Godalming
Mondays 5pm, Richard Grey rcegrey@aol.com
Siloam Prayer Group, Windlesham Surrey, https://siloamcommunity.wordpress.com/
Tuesday’s at 8pm. Contact Dave Connelly d.a.connelly999@gmail.com or 07877 513556
Praise and Worship Group, 6 Wellington Road, Brighton, BN2 3AA
Tuesday evenings 7-8pm. Contact melissajgreener@gmail.
All are welcome.
Kairos Charistmatic Prayer Group, Our Lady of Ransom Church, Eastbourne.
Alternate Wednesday evenings (details on Parish Newsletter or on website www.ourladyofransom.org.uk ) between 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Contact Caroline Rother cazrother@hotmail.co.uk
The Guildford Homegroups meet regularly for praise and worship, teaching, discussion, prayer and fellowship and are grounded in the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The Homegroups meet every 2 weeks during term-time, in the homes of our members or altogether in our parish church. Contact Katherine Cadogan kat_groves@yahoo.co.uk
“Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.”
Saint Augustine