ADoRE Celebrates 50 Years with a Jubilee Programme

ADoRE (Alton Day of Renewal) is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year and launches a special Jubilee programme on 25th January with a meeting on Zoom, open to anyone. ADoRE is a monthly meeting of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, dedicated to the encouragement of a personal relationship with God, through Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Formed in 1975 in Portsmouth Diocese, it is one of the longest continually running Charismatic Days of Renewal in Britain.

ADoRE Leader Alastair Emblem explains: “Our Jubilee programme for the year shares the same theme as the Universal Church: ‘Pilgrims of Hope.’ Monthly themes will reflect various aspects of the Christian Pilgrimage of Faith, with a particular emphasis on joy in the blessings and gifts of the Holy Spirit for revitalising the Church. “In the first meeting on 25th January ‘Jesus is the Way,’ we remind ourselves of the importance of following His call to follow Him on the Pilgrimage of Faith. Guest speaker is Daniella Stephens, a young and dynamic Catholic Evangelist who travels the UK and abroad speaking at churches, schools, conferences, retreats, prayer groups, youth groups and more.”

As well as the inspiring talk, there will be live-streamed Mass and Adoration, Prophecy, Praise, and Prayer for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The free retreat morning takes place on Zoom from 10.00am to 1.00pm and advance registration is required at More information at

Alastair continues: “We are delighted to have received an encouraging message, in our special year of Jubilee, from Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household 1980-2024. Part of his message reads as follows: ‘I want to congratulate you for your 50 years of faithfulness to the Holy Spirit and the current of grace of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal…. I will pray the Risen Lord to pour down his Spirit in a new powerful way upon the speakers and the participants to the programme.’. “The Cardinal’s prayer will be a powerful support for our programme, and we are confident, in this year of Hope, that many new participants will join our meetings and be blessed by the Holy Spirit.”

A colour poster for this month is attached, and other publicity materials can be downloaded from:

Website and email contact details are given at the foot of this message. We hope and pray that you can publicise this event.

You can see the full ADoRe schedule foe 2025 here:

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