ADoRE have been running mini-retreats on Zoom since lockdown in 2020, as a development of the Days of Renewal they have hosted for the last 49 years, which have helped literally thousands of people develop a personal relationship with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. The next mini-retreat is on the 27th July where you can join up to 150 people from all over the UK.
The mini-retreat is called “Holy Holy Holy” and is to grow our understanding and appreciation of how we are to respond to God’s call to holiness: co-operating with the Holy Spirit as He helps us to love and obey God’s will to love Him and to love our neighbour. The event will be held on 27th July between 10am & 1pm and includes Mass, Adoration, Praise, Prayer for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and an inspiring guest speaker Ros Powell.
Please register for the Zoom meeting in advance at More information at
Use this link to download and share the poster: poster-july-2024
What is ADoRE?
ADoRE (Alton Day of Renewal) is a monthly meeting of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal formed in 1975 and blessed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit ever since. We are now one of the longest continually running Charismatic Days of Renewal in Britain, dedicated to the encouragement of a personal relationship with God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and the charisms of his Holy Spirit. We provide spiritual refreshment through a programme of prayer, Eucharist, adoration, praise, prophecy, inspired teaching and healing ministry.