ADoRE spiritual mini-retreat 26 Oct “Heal the sick – ministering in the charisms of the Holy Spirit”

Healing the sick was an integral part of Jesus’ mission of salvation. As the Catechism says: “Jesus has the power not only to heal, but also to forgive sins; he has come to heal the whole man, soul and body; he is the physician the sick have need of.” (CCC #1503)

On October 26th there is an opportunity to participate in a free mini-retreat morning that will explore in more depth how we can have the confidence to realise that Jesus has chosen us to pray for healing, in God’s will. The Church teaches that it is “praiseworthy for individual members of the faithful to ask for healing for themselves and for others.” (Instruction on Prayers for Healing 1999 by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.)

This meeting on Zoom, “Heal the sick – ministering in the charisms of the Holy Spirit” is hosted by “ADoRE” one of the longest-running charismatic days of renewal in the country. The session includes Mass, Adoration, Praise and Worship, inspired Teaching and Prayer for all participants to foster the presence of the Holy Spirit in them. The main talk is given by Joe Livingston, a Catholic evangelist with a powerful ministry of healing.

It is part of the 2024 ADoRE programme developing our understanding and appreciation of how we are to respond to God’s call to holiness; co-operating with the Holy Spirit as He transforms our lives so that we can be inspired and equipped to help others.

“Healing is an undervalued ministry in the Catholic Church,” said ADoRE Leader Alastair Emblem. “People outside the Church are turning to all sorts of New Age and non-Christi

an healing remedies, yet the Church can offer physical and spiritual healing from the Divine Physician Himself, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

“We at Alton Day of Renewal have been guiding people to the Holy Spirit for the last 49 years at our monthly Days of Renewal, and we invite people from across the country to find out more at what promises to be an exciting session.”. Please register for the Zoom meeting in advance at More information at

A colour picture for this month is attached, and a poster plus other publicity materials can be downloaded from:

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