Pilgrims of Hope Proclaim the Lords Year of Favour 26th April

The A&B CDSC are preparing for our next Lighthouse event which is planned for Saturday 26th April, which is the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday.

For those who haven’t yet attended a Lighthouse event, it is an afternoon of renewal for the A&B Diocese where the Catholic faithful can worship together, receive the sacrament of reconciliation, be inspired by excellent teaching, be immersed in the Holy Spirit and receive prayer ministry from our experienced and gifted prayer ministry teams and to meet friends both old and new. The next event will be on the 26th April 2025, and this time starting a little earlier at 11am. The location has yet to be determined but is expected to be towards the west of the Diocese. Doors will open at 11:00pm and the afternoon will culminate in the Vigil Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday. The theme is “Proclaim the Lords Year of Favour” (Isaiah 61:2) and during the afternoon we will explore what is it to be a ‘Pilgrim of Hope’ with talks from excellent speakers.

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