Celebrate Nativity Online Resources

Celebrate have released some excellent resources as we prepare for Advent, you can find the details and links to the content below.

CELEBRATE Nativity – this online pack is part of our new BIBLE CELEBRATIONS parish resource which aims to help create community and relationship with the hope of encouraging non-Christians and non-attending Catholics towards attendance at church and developing a close relationship with God. It’s a great precursor to the Alpha Course and encourages a community to come together to encounter and reflect on a Bible story in an imaginative and entertaining way.

Available to download free from our website, CELEBRATE Nativity contains a plan for the afternoon, a simple drama, a prayerful reflection and a take home family prayer activity – the CELEBRATE Advent Matchbox Manger. There are also helpful Leader’s notes available. To find out more, visit https://www.celebratetrust.org/bible-celebrations

The CELEBRATE Advent matchbox Manger can also be used by itself in Children’s Liturgy, children’s groups and in primary schools. To download a copy, follow this link https://www.celebratetrust.org/celebrate-prayer-resources

All our resources are free to download but not free to make, so any donations, large or small, would be very gratefully received towards future projects.

CELEBRATE Joy September 2024 Birmingham

Celebrate Joy Birmingham 2024

CELEBRATE Trust is a Catholic ministry of 30 years, that inspires and equips people of all ages to live an authentic Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit, in support of the family, to form the next generation and encourage local community. Through their network of volunteers, they run events, host a variety of online activities, and produce resources to grow and sustain faith.

They are excited to announce a new national CELEBRATE weekend for all the family, entitled CELEBRATE Joy on Saturday 21 – Sunday 22 September 2024 at St Thomas Aquinas School, Birmingham. It’s an event where all ages will be refreshed in the love and joy of God and they are inviting inspirational speakers to reawaken faith through talks, worship, workshops, prayer ministry. Bishop David Evans and Bishop David Oakley will be celebrating Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available during the weekend. There will be seven children’s and youth groups providing relevant and fun teaching for ages 3- 22years as well as a creche with a video link.

We are delighted that CAFOD is partnering with us for this event. More information here: link.

Celebrate Joy Birmingham 2024